Ruth Glass |

born 30 june 1912 / died 9 march 1990
the catch :
her name may be not familiar to the most, but the term
she coined
born in Berlin / Germany, emigrated to Great Britain in
the early 1930's as many others because of the rising
national socialism
resumed & accomplished there her sociology studies
it's once again a disgrace for our society not to honor a
sociology autor, but just the followers
when you look the web you find nearly nothing about the
person of Ruth Glass or her life, you'll have dificulties
to buy her books
also nothing about her neither in the english nor in the
german Wikipedia,
but a lot about those mainly males, who built their fame
on her research & science, who have their sites there
& everywhere
imagine 'she' would be a 'he', do you think, it would be
the same ?
maybe next year somewhere, then she would have her 100th
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the only brief Ruth Glass biography
on the net - in PDF format
The undoubted star of UCL, however,
was Ruth Glass, the sociologist (originally a refugee
from Berlin) who really established urban sociology in
Extended Definition: gentrification
The Controversal Topic of
Gentrification and Its Impact on the Urban Core
Chicago gentrification is a global
issue - about the gentrification change of the Pilsen
community in Chicago
It goes something like this: the
painters and installation artists move in first, when
theres nary a pannini in sight.
some interesting links, cases of &
discussions about gentrification, just in german :
Definition und Darstellung des
als Ideologie. Linke Stadtteilinitiativen und ihr
Verhältnis zu Ökonomie und Stadtraum.
Gentrifizierung: Eine kleine
Geschichte wie plötzlich alles anders wird
Gentrification: Die Debatte in der
Schweiz 2010 - eine Bestandsaufnahme
Berlin: Die Karawane zieht weiter
Stationen einer Aufwertung - very interesting
article about the change of Berlin after the fall of the
Berlin wall
Die Mainzer Straße in Berlin
Friedrichshain im Juni 1990 & 2007 - two fotos of the
gentrification change of one Berlin neighborhood
horoscope :
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11 apr 2011